Basement Entry

Just the thing for easy access to your Basement. They are called Bulkhead entrances, Basement Perm-Entries, Basement Entryways, Basement Steps to name a few.
Our Basement Entrances are made out of reinforced pre-cast concrete. We measure for, deliver and install your Basement Entrance. Our Basement Entrances also pass the new international Egress code. These basement entrance units are installed with Bilco cellar doors.
Pre-Cast Basement Entrance
Opens up a valuable space for family activities. Provides a direct way out in an emergency.

The Metal Door:
- Rugged heavy gauge steel throughout
- Neat trim appearance
- Torsion bar door operators
- Inside locking device
- Automatic hold open door catches
- Flanged, watertight construction
Have you ever considered adding an exterior basement entry to your home?

- Increases the value of your home!
- Provides a direct way out of an emergency!
- Opens up valuable space for family activities!
- Eliminates tracking through first floor rooms!
- Saves damage to upstairs walls and woodwork!
You Supply The Wall Opening – We Do The Rest!

Job Requirements

- Width of opening in foundation wall maximum 40″ for all types
- When foundation is backfilled leave minimum work area for Basement Entrance installation as shown.
How To Order

- Determine the height of foundation wall from top of footing
- Determine Dimension from proposed finished grade to top of foundation wall.
- Refer to types available and select size to assure top Basement. Entrance stairwell will be 2″ to 6″ above finished grade.
Requirements for EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS – Section R310 of the 2000 International Residential Code.
- Every basement that has habitable space.
- Every sleeping room in a basement.
- Sill height of 44″ or lower.
- Openings- minimum net clear of 5.7 square feet.
- Minimum opening height of 24″, net
- Minimum opening width of 20″
- All openings shall be able to be opened from the inside, without keys or tools.
- R310.2 – Window Well
- Horizontal dimension that allows the door, or window to be opened.
- The horizontal dimension needs to be a minimum net clear of 9′ sq.
- Horizontal projection and width of 36″
- R310.3 – Bulk heads – (units with steps and side walls, with doors on top)
- Bulkheads must provide direct access to basement
- Fully opened door panels must meet same minimum opening area as above.
- R310.4 – Bars, grills, covers and screens permitted.
- Must be releasable from the inside without use of tool or key.
- Minimum horizontal dimension, the same as R310.1.1 through R310.1.3.